



美泰(Mattel验厂咨询)生长守则Mattel,Inc.Global Manufacturing Principles

Mattel's Global Manufacturing Principles (GMP) apply to all parties that manufacture,assemble, liCEnse or distribute any product or package bearing any of the Mattel logos.

GMP provides guidance and minimum standaRDS for all manufacturing plants, assembly operations and distribution centers that manufacture or distribute Mattel products.GMP requires safe and fair treatment of employees and that facilities protect the environment while respecting the cultural, ethnic and philosophical differences of the countries where Mattel operates.GMP also requires internal and periodic independent monitoring of our performance and our partners performance to the standards.

Mattel is committed to executing GMP in all areas of its business and will only engage business partners who share our commitment to GMP.Mattel expects all its business partners to adhere to GMP, and will assist them in meeting GMP requirements.However,Mattel is prepared to end partnerships with those who do not comply.

Mattel and its partners will operate their facilities in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.Mattel has defined the following overarching principles to which all facilities and partners are required to comply.These principles are dynamic and evolving to continually improve our efforts to ensure on-going protection of employees and theenvironment.In addition, Mattel has developed a comprehensive and detailed set of underlying procedures and standards that enable us to apply and administer our GMP in the countries where we operate.The procedures and standards are updated and refined on an ongoing basis.

1.Management Systemsa.Facilities must have systems in place to address labor, social and environmental, health and safety issues.

2.Wages and Working Hoursa.Employees must be paid for all hours worked.Wages for regular and overtime work must be compensated at the legally mandated rates.b.Wages must be paid in legal tender and at least monthly.c.Working hours must be in compliance with country and Mattel requirements.d.Regular and overtime working hours must be documented, verifiable and accurately reflect all hours worked by employees.e.Overtime work must be voluntary.f.Employees must be provided with rest days in compliance with country and Mattel Requirements.g.Payroll deductions must comply with applicable country and Mattel requirements.

3.Age Requirementsa.All employees must meet the minimum age for employment as specified by country and Mattel requirements.

4.Forced Labora.Employees must be employed of their own free will.b.Forced or prISOn labor must not be used to manufacture, assemble or distribute any Mattel products.

5.Discriminationa.The facility must have policies on hiring, promotion, employee rights and disciplinary practices that address discrimination.

6.Freedom of expression and Associationa.Each employee must have the right to associate, or not to associate, with any legally sanctioned organization.b.Management must create formal channels to encourage communications among all levels of management and employees on issues that impact their working and living conditions.

7.Living Conditionsa.Dormitories must be separated from production and warehouse buildinGS.b.Dormitories and canteens must be safe, sanitary and meet the basic need of employees.

8.Workplace Safetya.The facility must have programs in place to address health and safety issues that exist in the workplace.

9.Healtha.First aid and medical treatment must be available to all employees.b.Monitoring programs must be in place to ensure employees are not exposed to harmful conditions (e.g., chemical exposures, noise exposures,excessive temperature).

10.Emergency Planninga.The facility must have programs and systems in place for dealing with emergencies such as fires, spills and natural disasters.b.Emergency exit doors must be kept unlocked at all times when the building is occupied.Emergency exits must be clearly marked and free of obstructions.

11.Environmental Protectiona.Facilities must have environmental programs in place to minimize their impact on the environment.


美泰验厂工厂作业指导书 验厂咨询

Mattel验厂在电子交易方面实施“三大支柱战略”。首先,与全球领先的因特网体育媒体公司Sportsline.com,以及它在欧洲的子公司Sports.com进行全球性市场联合,也就是说,与这两家公司在电子交易领域进行广泛合作,并通过它们的网址CBs.sportsline.com和sports.com推销ADIDAS品牌以及产品。这一具有全球效益的合作从美国和欧洲已经渗透到亚洲。这一合作,将使ADIDAS得益于其两个合作伙伴在电子交易领域中的 经 验,使三家公司相互使用对方品牌成为可能,Mattel验厂为ADIDAS产品在网上销售提供了巨大 潜力。其次,与一些重要的零售商联合经营电子交易,作为上述电子交易战略的重大补充。最后,在自己的网站上推销自己的产品。为了保障支柱战略的有效实施,ADIDAS公司对原有的仓库的改造,在德国建立1个现代化的大型配送中心,为企业在全欧洲和中东的销售提供配送服务,提高物流配送的效率。

PVH顾客验厂 阿迪达斯(adidas)是一间德国运动用品制造商, Mattel验厂是AdidasAG的成员公司。阿迪达斯以其创办人阿道夫?达斯勒(AdolfAdiDassler)命名,在1920年于接近纽伦堡的赫佐格奥拉赫(Herzogenaurach)开始生产鞋类产品。

Mattel验厂1949年8月18日以adidasAG名字登记。阿迪达斯的服装及运动鞋设计通常都可见到3条平行间条,在其标志上亦可见,3条间条是阿迪达斯的特色。阿迪达斯( “Adidas”)以其创办人阿道夫?达斯勒(AdolFDAssler)的绰号(Adi)加上姓氏(Dassler)的头3个字母组成。2000年开 始,ADIDAS公司为迎接并适应因特网时代,在电子交易方面实施“三大支柱战略”。Mattel验厂首先,与全球领先的因特网体育媒体公司以及 它在欧洲的子公司Sports.com进行全球性市场联合,也就是说,与这两家公司在电子交易领域进行广泛合作,并通过它们的网址cbs.sportsline.com和sports.com推销ADIDAS品牌以及产品。这一具有全球效益的合作从美国和欧洲已经渗透到亚洲。这一合作,将使ADIDAS得益于其两个合作伙伴在电子交易领域中的经验,使三家公司相互使用对方品牌成为可能,为ADIDAS产品在网上销售提供了巨大潜力。其次,与一些重要的零售商联合经营电子 交易,作为上述电子交易战略的重大补充。最后,在自己的网站上推销自己的产品。


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