



COCA COLA可口可乐验厂标准

可口可乐公司(TCCC) 的声誉构建于消费者的信任和认可之上. 我们那些遍布全球的合作伙伴都知晓我公司致力于在发展的同时, 坚守和信奉代表最高水准的价值观, 系列地体现在质量, 诚信, 优秀, 守法, 尊重当地文化及独特的习俗等方面. 我们寻求与那些和我们信奉类似的价值观和文明经商的直接供应商/特许供应商和他们的产品制造商发展业务关系,包含生产任何带有TCCC商标的产品以及辅助产品的制造商(统称产品制造商).作为我们持续地致力于发展和加强我公司与使用TCCC 商标的产品制造商关系的一部分, 我司的全球认证部特向你们介绍可口可乐产品制造商行为准则. 该准则基于这样一种信念:良好的团体成员意识是我们业务长期成功的基石,并且这种信念必定体现于我们在销售市场, 生产场所, 及相关的环境和社会团体活动中的行为和合作关系. 鉴于我们在全球各地的运作常常受到不同的法律法规,风俗习惯, 以及经济条件等的影响, 我们深信我们共享的价值观念应作为TCCC 与产品制造商合作关系的基石. 行为准则重申并强调了我们的 对“良好的工作环境的要求以及重要性: 必须遵从相关环境保护法律法规及当地劳动法的良好的工作环境的重要性. 我们寄期望于同你们及所有的TCCC 产品制造商携手合作来确保对行为准则中的要求的充分理解和遵从。


ForCEd Labor

Item noRequirementYes/No/NAComments

2.1Does the factory have a copy of valid laws and regulations on forced labor or understand its requirements? 关于强迫劳动的法律文本

2.2Are all workers present voluntarily at the factory? 员工是否自愿上班

2.3Are workers free to leave after working hours? Is any restriction placed?

2.4Are workers permitted time-off with doctor’s certificate when sick or for maternity?

2.5Is any evidence of physical or verbal abuse identified? Whether use of force observed, at least for overtime work? 有无体罚?折骂?

2.6Do all workers sign employment contracts with the factory? Is it unfair or illegal? 是否都有合同。

2.7Is any evidence identified that security guaRDS were used to coerce workers ? 保安员打人吗?有用武力吗?

2.8Are workers not required to lodge deposits or original documents such as ID papers, training certificate, etc.? 有押金?押身份证?

2.9Is any physical method impeding freedom of workers such as surveillance camera, locked exit during working hours or perimeter fences, etc? 工作时有闭路电视等监督吗?

2.10Is any evidence identified on the use of forced labor / prISOn labor?

DiscriminationItem noRequirementYes/No/NAComments

5.1Does the factory have a copy of valid laws and regulations on non-discrimination or understand its requirements? 法律文本?

5.2Is any evidence identified on discrimination in employment, promotion, compensation, welfare, dismissal and retirement, etc.?

5.3Do employment reflect local ethnic/religious breakdown – no domination by one group?

5.4Does employment records show any evidence of discrimination – patterns of dismissal?

5.5Do workers have access to and familiarity with procedures for filing complaints about discrimination?

5.6Is equal salary for equal work for male and female workers implemented at the factory?

5.7Is there any existence of sexual harassment, especially of young female workers?

5.8Is any evidence identified on discrimination through interview with workers, inpidual and collective?
