


一、资料控制1。采购的资料要接受来料的质量控制检查,以满足商定的规范或要求?2。不合格资料的适当处理程序(例如,适当隔离,标识清晰)?3。来货存放在干净、安全、干燥的地方,有适当的照明和温度?4。根据法律、质量和安全要求测试关键原资料?5。原资料是否有质量记录?6。已批准的原资料供应商计划?7。必要时,原资料在生产前应经过适当的准备程序(如机械分类、挑选)?二、生产控制KMART技术试验厂之生产控制1.生产时提供的最新规格或参考样品?2。生产过程中进行的IPQC检查?3。生产过程中不合格品的适当处理程序(例如,适当隔离,标识清晰)?4。对不合格产品采取纠正措施的正式制度?5。是否保存不合格质量记录?6。生产区域清洁、安全、干燥,照明和温度合适?7。工人受过适当的培训,能够准确、安全地完成工作?8。只在指定区域吸烟、喝酒和吃饭?9。是否制定了控制重新工作或进行中工作的程序?10。正确监控、审查和跟进顾客反馈?11。工厂有从原资料到成品的追溯系统,反之亦然?12。设备和机械是否正确安装并保持良好状态?13。工厂保持卫生和良好状态(例如,工厂建筑处于良好状态,地板/窗户/墙壁处于良好维修状态)?14。工厂是否有记录在案的产品召回程序?15。工厂是否有适当的文件化质量政策?16。工厂保存每批成品的样品?17。生产线上有主要的作业指导书吗?三、检验与储存凯马特检验厂之检测与储存1.成品检验是否符合规范、法律和安全要求?2。检查记录是否妥善保存?3。检查区域干净、安全、干燥,有适当的照明和温度?4。检验时不合格品的适当处理程序(例如,适当隔离,标识清晰)?5。假如容许重新加工,产品将被重新检验(并在必须时重新测试)?6。复工记录是否妥善保存?7。成品储存区清洁、干燥,有适当的照明和温度?8。是否建立了有效的系统,以便在离开工厂前监控储存区的货物?四、测试测试1.产品是否按照规范、法律和安全要求进行测试(如适用)?2。测试设施和设备是否适合测试产品?3。测试设备是否保持良好状态并定期校准?4。测试区域干净、安全、干燥,照明和温度合适?5。测试记录是否妥善保存?6。进行测试的人员经过适当的培训,能够准确、安全地进行测试?五、Sharp tool control kmart技术验证厂审核之刀具控制1.所有锋利的工具都拴在工作台上,缝纫机上有针吗?2。生产区域是否无脱落刀片或玻璃物体?3。断针记录是否妥善保存?4。所有产品在包装前通过隧道式金属探测器(如适用)?5。金属探测器使用前、使用中和使用后的校准?6。金属检测检验后进入生产区(如包装区)是否受到锋利工具/物品控制的限制?7。公司制定了控制金属/锋利工具/破碎针的政策,明确规定如下:所有锋利工具应系在工作台上;不得使用破碎刀片和玻璃物体;应保持发放和退货记录;以及8.每个锋利的工具都有唯一的识别号(针除外)?9。是否有记录簿登记所有锋利工具的发放和归还?10。没有架空走道/结构,尖锐物体能够从那里掉入产品中?六、凯马特试验厂-道德劳动1.安全出口是否畅通或未上锁?2。工人是否使用与该区域相关的个人防护设备(PPE)?3。危险化学品与资料一起存放在适当的区域。一、MATERIAL ConTROL 资料控制 1. Purchased materials are subject to incoming QC inspections to meet agreed specification or requirement? 2. Proper handling proCEdures for non-conforming materials (e.g. suitably segregated with clear identification)? 3. Incoming goods stored in a clean, safe, dry area with appropriate lighting and temperature? 4. Critical raw materials tested against legal, quality and safety requirement? 5. Quality recoRDS are maintained for raw materials? 6. An approved raw material supplier program in place? 7. Raw materials are subject to appropriate preparation procedures before production (e.g. mechanical sorting, screening) when necessary? 二、PRODUCTION ConTROL Kmart技术验厂之生产控制 1. The latest specification or reference sample available at production? 2. IPQC checks carried out during production? 3. Proper handling procedures for non-conforming products at production(e.g. suitably segregated with clear identification)? 4. A formal system in place for corrective action of non-conforming products? 5. Non-conforming quality records are maintained? 6. Production area is clean, safe and dry with appropriate lighting and temperature? 7. Workers are suitably trained and are capable of doing their jobs accurately and safely? 8. Smoking, drinking and eating at designated area only? 9. Procedures in place for controlling re-work or work-in-progress? 10. Customer feedback is monitored, reviewed and followed up properly? 11. Factory has traceability system of materials from source to finished products and vice versa? 12. Equipment and machinery are properly installed and maintained in good condition? 13. Factory is maintained in hygienic and good condition (e.g. factory building in good order, floor/window/walls in good repair)? 14. Factory has documented product recall procedures in place? 15. Factory has an appropriate documented quality policy in place? 16. Factory keeps samples from each batch of finished product? 17. Major work instructions are available on production line? 三、INSPECTION & STORAGE Kmart验厂之检测和存储 1. Inspection of finished products is carried out in accordance with specification, legal and safety requirement? 2. Inspection records are maintained properly? 3. Inspection area is clean, safe and dry with appropriate lighting and temperature? 4. Proper handling procedures for non-conforming products at inspection(e.g. suitably segregated with clear identification)? 5. If re-worked is permitted, products are being re-inspected (and re-tested where needed)? 6. Re-worked records are maintained properly? 7. Finished products storage area is clean, dry, with appropriate lighting and temperature? 8. Effective system in place for monitoring goods at storage area before leaving the factory? 四、TESTING 测试 1. Products are being tested in accordance with specification, legal and safety requirement (if applicable)? 2. Testing facilities and equipment are suitable and adequate for the products being tested? 3. Testing equipment is maintained in good condition and calibrated regularly? 4. Testing area is clean, safe and dry with appropriate lighting and temperature? 5. Test records are maintained properly? 6. Person who carried out the test has been suitably trained and is capable of performing the test accurately and safely? 五、SHARP TOOL ConTROL Kmart技术验厂审核之刀具控制 1. All sharp tools are tethered to working stations and needles are installed in sewing machines? 2. Production area is free of break-away blade or glass object? 3. Broken needle records are kept properly? 4. All products pass through tunnel type metal detector before packing (If applicable)? 5. metal detector calibration before, during and after use? 6. Access to production area (e.g. packing area) after metal detection inspection is restricted with control of sharp tools / objects? 7. A company policy is in place to control metal / sharp tools / broken needle that clearly state the following: All sharp tools shall be tethered to the workbench; Break away blades and glass objects shall not be used; Issuance and return record shall be maintained; and 8. Each sharp tool has a unique identification no. (except needles)? 9. A record book is in place to register issuance and return of all sharp tools? 10. There is no overhead walkways/structures that sharp objects can fall into the products from there? 六、Kmart验厂-道德劳工 1. Fire escape exits are unblocked or unlocked? 2. Workers use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) relevant to the area? 3. Hazardous chemicals are stored in an appropriate area with Material Safety Data Sheet available? 4. Machines all have adequate safety guards fitted? 5. A process in place for controlling Child Labour at factory? 6. Workers are not subjected to physical abuse, the threat of physical abuse or intimidating verbal abuse? 7. Factory does not use forced, bonded or involuntary labour?
