


Will each of the following documents be available for review?General Facility Info 工厂设施总况1) Factory / premises map 工厂地图2) Organizational chart 人员组织结构图3) Production Flow Charts 生产流程图4) Other brands’ audit reports (past 12 months)其它品牌的验厂报告(请12月中)Hiring, Wages, Foreign Labor 聘用, 薪水,外国员工5) Labor contracts 员工合同6) Personnel files 人事档案7) Hiring policy 聘用政策8) Voluntary Employment policy 主动聘用政策9) Recruiting agent agreement劳务代理公司招聘协议10) ReCEnt Employment Ads 最近的招聘广告11) Overseas training policy and agreement海外培训政策和协议12) Work permit 生产许可证资质13) Identification recoRDS; I-9 forms, etc. 身份证记录14) Residence permit 居住许可证资质15) Juvenile workers monitoring policy 青少年员工监控政策16) Juvenile workers health exam records青少年员工健康检查记录17) Proof of Age documentation 年龄证明文件18) Apprenticeship or job-training policy 学徒或培训政策19) Work Permit for workers 上岗证20) Work Requirement Policy 工作要求政策21) Severance / termination allowance records 终止津贴政策Wages & Hours 薪水和时间22) Working Hour Policy 工作时间政策23) Timecards 工作时间记录卡24) Attendance / leave records 上下班记录25) Payroll records 薪水册记录26) Piece work rates & piece work calculations 单件生产效率的计算27) Overtime calculation system 生产超时计算体制28) Extra benefits system for OT (transportation, meals, etc.)加班补贴机制(如接送, 用餐等)

each of the following documents be available for review?1) Production plan/order records 生产计划/订单记录2) Target / actual daily productivity records 计划/实际每日产量记录3) OT request form & records 加班要求表格/记录4) OT refusal form & records 加班拒绝表格和记录5) OT payment records 加班薪水记录Insurance & Benefits 保险& 福利6) Social insurance & health insurance compensation records (sick leave, maternity leave, pre & post natal check up, family planning, miscarriage, accident leave, disability, etc.)社会保险和健康保险补偿记录(病假, 产假, 流产, 伤残等)7) Social insurance payment receipt (employee SI books) 社会保险金付款凭证8) Annual leave compensation records 每一年假期补贴9) Pregnancy follow up records 孕妇跟踪记录Fair and Equal Treatment 公平待遇10) Fair and Equal Treatment Policy 公平待遇政策11) Disciplinary Policies, Procedures, Notices 纪律政策,程序,常见问题12) Punishment / Discipline records (warning letters, termination, suspension, resignation, etc.) 惩罚/纪律处罚记录(如警示语, 辞退, 停职,等)13) Incentive, reward, promotion system 奖励, 报酬, 提拔机制14) evaluation system & records 评估体系和记录15) Harassment Policy 针对骚扰的政策16) Non-retaliation Policy 无报复政策17) Grievance records (Minutes/Reports/Records from Trade Union; Worker Rep; Counseling office; suggestion boxes, hotline, etc.) 委屈记录(来自商会,工人代表, 咨询机构, 意见箱, 电话热线等)18) Salary & bonus system 薪水和奖金制度19) Pregnancy Policy (job allocation, working hours, etc.) 孕妇政策(工作分配, 工时等)20) Movement system and monitoring 调动体制和监控Freedom of Association 协会的自由权21) Collective Bargaining Agreement 集体商议22) Freedom of Association Policy 自由性的机制23) documents regarding the existence of Unions or representation (LU, Workers Rep, Counseling, Suggestion Boxes, Hotlines), including Selection Rules, Organization Chart, Roles & Responsibilities, Job Descriptions, etc.文件, 能证明机构或代表的存在(如工会,工人代表,咨询服务,意见箱,热线), 包含选举机制, 机构设置图, 角色和职责, 工作内容等24) Training, or documents regarding worker representation rights培训,或关于工人代表权
