



ISO/TS16949是汽车行业质量管理体系标准,由IATF(International Automotive Task ForCE)所发起,联合JAMA(日本汽车制造协会)及许多汽车专家的意见所创制出来,符合汽车制造厂及供应商管理需求的认证标准,整合了世界各大汽车工业要求和单一化认证流程,故将取代QS—9000(美国汽车工业标准),VDA(德国汽车工业标准)、EAQF(法国汽车工业标准)、AVSQ(意大利汽车工业标准),而成为全球汽车工业的认证主流。

采用ISO/TS16949为汽车工业零部件供应商带来: √ 改进产品和过程质量 √ 增加全球采购的信心 √ 增加收入降低成本 √ 减少多重第三方审核 √ 实现汽车或非汽车工业市场的全球互认 ISO/TS 16949, a standard of quality control system in automotive industry, is initiated by IATF (International Automotive Task Force). This standard is set by combining the opinions of JAMA (Japanese Automobile Manufacture Association) and many other automotive experts, and meets the managing demands of automotive producers and suppliers. It integrates the requirements of the big automotive industries all over the world with the singularized standard process and will become the main standard in the world automotive industries by replacing QS-9000 (American standard in auto industry), VDA (German standard in auto industry), EAQF (French standard in auto industry) and AVSQ (Italian standard in auto industry). ISO/TS 16949 will bring the followinGS to the spare parts suppliers of auto industry: ● Improving the quality of products and process ● Increasing the confidence in the world purchasing ● Increasing the revenue and decreasing the cost ● Reducing the multilateral verifications ● Achieving the worldwide mutual acceptance in auto or non-auto industrial markets
